October 29, 2024
The Qualified Sales Leader
ESN #005
One of the benefits of being in the Enterprise Sellers Community (ES) is gaining access to some of the greatest sales luminaries in our space of SaaS and tech sales.
Recently, we hosted John McMahon, author of The Qualified Sales Leader.
John is a five-time CRO (PTC, Geo-Tel, Ariba, BladeLogic and BMC),
John led an intimate Q&A session just for ES members.
He hit the below secrets hard:
- The future of sales
- The secret to selling in a downturn
- What good sales coaching looks like
- The difference between a coach and a champion
- Why sellers need to continuously iterate on their ICP
- His measure of a good manager (unexpected answer)
The video below is just one example of John’s prowess as a career sales leader as he answers the question:
“How should we as sellers identify the best companies we should strive to work for?”
This is a key question for all of us in the current downturn.
If we aren’t selling for organizations that solve a pain that must be solved to survive in today’s market, we are more exposed than ever to underperforming and ultimately being fired.
Get in front of this freight train by being prepared.
Watch the clip

Ask yourself if you are in the right selling reality.
Then decide to double down or start looking.
And if you sell to large enterprises,
And want to surround yourself with the best, most ambitious sellers anywhere,
Apply for membership in the ES community HERE for 2023.
We are the home of enterprise sellers.
We care about you more than any company ever could.
Because in this community we are all enterprise sellers.
Every single one of us.
We bring you insights about:
- How the best sellers sell
- How to manage your career
- How to reach elite rep status
But more importantly, because we are a sellers in the field,
Sharing selling secrets and helping each other every day,
We are in the foxhole together and have each other’s back.
Three Ways I Can Help Enterprise Sellers:
1. Score a free copy of my book, Mega Deal Secrets.
2. Apply to my Enterprise Sellers Community.
3. Book a strategy call to see if you are a fit for my ten-week Mega Deal Secrets Masterclass.